Tag - PHP

Posts of PHP

Beyond Boundaries: How FrankenPHP Redefines PHP Application Runtimes

FrankenPHP is a contemporary PHP app server crafted in Go, boasting numerous advantages. Among its standout features, one that truly captures the spotlight is its remarkable ability to construct a standalone and self-contained binary. This particular feature holds immense significance, particularly in the realm of shipping PHP applications to production.
1 January, 2024

The future is low-code adapting to the inevitable

Let's talk about the future of software development—low-code solutions. In an era where no-code solutions are gaining ground and rapidly evolving, low-code still holds a significant share of the market.
24 October, 2023

How saloon php helped me changing my newsletter integration in minutes

Discover the amazing power of Saloon PHP as I share how it completely transformed my newsletter integration process in just minutes!
24 September, 2023

5 reasons why you should use saloon to connect to third party api

Saloon is a PHP library that provides a fluent API integration framework. It can be a great tool for developers implementing API integrations with third-party APIs or building SDKs.
14 July, 2023

Ajax for Like and Dislike using voting API | Drupal

Using ajax can really improve the user experience of your site. In this tutorial, we will see how using the powerful voting API we can create a simple like dislike module and use ajax for that.
29 September, 2011
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