Tag - AWS

Posts of AWS

Using separate ssh keys and using them inside your cicd pipeline for security

In this blog post, I am going to share my experience on what I learned about SSH keys and some of the security benefits that we get once we implement them. So, if you are interested in the details then come along for a ride.
18 July, 2024

Deploying Laravel as a Serverless Solution with Bref

This blog post explores deploying Laravel applications as serverless solutions using Bref and AWS Lambda, emphasizing benefits like automated scaling and reduced server management. It includes a step-by-step setup guide and highlights how serverless architecture improves reliability and performance, particularly for handling unpredictable traffic spikes from webhooks.

14 July, 2024

Securing your AWS keys for SES with IP restrictions

Security is a crucial aspect of any application, and safeguarind the AWS keys and secret is very important. In this article, I would talk about how you can add an additional layer of security by restricting the keys for AWS Send Email Service (SES) to your EC2 instance IP address only.
29 April, 2024
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