Deploying Laravel as a Serverless Solution with Bref - AMITAV ROY BLOG
    Deploying Laravel as a Serverless Solution with Bref
    14 July, 2024

    This blog post explores deploying Laravel applications as serverless solutions using Bref and AWS Lambda, emphasizing benefits like automated scaling and reduced server management. It includes a step-by-step setup guide and highlights how serverless architecture improves reliability and performance, particularly for handling unpredictable traffic spikes from webhooks.

    Serverless architecture is revolutionizing the way we think about deploying and scaling modern-day applications. Among the many frameworks and tools available, Bref stands out for its simplicity and power, especially when it comes to deploying Laravel applications. In this post, I'll walk you through the process of using Bref to deploy a Laravel app as a serverless solution, highlighting situations where this approach shines, like consuming webhooks. We'll also explore how AWS Lambda functions provide the scalability and reliability needed for high-traffic scenarios.

    Why Serverless?

    Before we dive into the solution, let's talk about when you might want to consider a serverless architecture in the first place. Traditional server-based deployments require you to manage and maintain servers, handle scaling, and ensure reliability. This can be time-consuming and costly, particularly for applications that experience fluctuating traffic.

    Serverless architecture, on the other hand, abstracts away the server management, allowing you to focus solely on your code. AWS Lambda, for example, automatically scales your application in response to traffic, ensuring that your app remains responsive and available no matter the load. This can be a game-changer for scenarios like consuming webhooks, where traffic can be highly unpredictable.

    Introducing Bref

    Bref is an open-source project (a composer package) designed to simplify deploying PHP applications, including Laravel, to AWS Lambda. It seamlessly integrates with Lambda, enabling you to harness the advantages of serverless computing without the need to rewrite your application.

    Built on the Serverless Framework, Bref provides a PHP runtime that facilitates running your Laravel codebase on Lambda. For more details, visit the official Bref website.

    Setting Up Bref with Laravel

    Let's get started with deploying a Laravel application using Bref. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

    Step 1: Install Bref

    First, you'll need to install Bref in your Laravel project. You can do this via Composer:

    composer require bref/bref

    Step 2: Configure Serverless

    Next, create a serverless.yml file in the root directory of your project. This file sets up your serverless configuration. Don't worry—it's automatically provided for you; you'll just need to adjust a few settings to suit your specific requirements.

    This is a sample YML file.

    service: app
        name: aws
        - ./vendor/bref/bref
            handler: index.php
            runtime: php-81
                Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
                    BucketName: 'my-bucket'

    This configuration sets up a Lambda function to handle HTTP requests, using the PHP-FPM runtime provided by Bref. Step 3: Deploy to AWS With your configuration in place, you're ready to deploy your application. Run the following command to deploy:

    serverless deploy

    Serverless will package your application, create the necessary AWS resources, and deploy your Lambda function. Once deployed, you'll receive a URL that you can use to access your Laravel application.

    Do note, that this step does assume that you have already configured your AWS credentials. And if you haven’t done that already, don’t worry it’s a very simple process

    Create a file inside your home folder ~/.aws/credentials, add the two values inside the file


    Consuming Webhooks with Serverless

    One of the most compelling applications of serverless architecture is managing webhooks. Webhooks are commonly used to receive real-time data from external services, but they can be difficult to handle with traditional server setups due to unpredictable traffic spikes. Moreover, over-provisioning resources is not an efficient solution.

    With AWS Lambda, you can effortlessly handle these spikes. Lambda functions scale automatically, ensuring that your webhook endpoints remain responsive even under heavy load. This means you can receive and process webhooks reliably, without worrying about server capacity or downtime.

    For instance, consider a scenario where you are receiving webhooks from a payment gateway. During peak times, such as Black Friday sales, the number of webhooks can skyrocket. A traditional server might struggle to handle this load, leading to missed or delayed processing. With Lambda, your endpoints scale in real time, ensuring that every webhook is processed promptly.

    Real-World Success Stories

    Many companies have successfully leveraged AWS Lambda to achieve massive scalability and reliability. For example, iRobot, the maker of the Roomba vacuum cleaner, uses AWS Lambda to handle millions of events per day, scaling seamlessly with demand. You can read more about their success story here.


    Deploying a Laravel application as a serverless solution using Bref and AWS Lambda provides unparalleled scalability and reliability. Whether you're handling webhooks or managing high-traffic applications, serverless architecture can simplify your operations and enhance your application's performance.

    By leveraging Bref, you can bring the power of serverless computing to your Laravel projects with minimal effort. So, why not give it a try and see how it can transform your deployment strategy?

    If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below or reach out to me on my social media handles. Happy coding! By the way, if you are more of a visual learner and want to understand the end-to-end process, you can refer to this video where I have handled the entire flow:


    Transforming ideas into impactful solutions, one project at a time. For me, software engineering isn't just about writing code; it's about building tools that make lives better.

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